Climate Change Facts and Delusions

Before we liquidate all the myths, let’s take a quick look at the source of CO2 emissions

The Evil CO2 Devil is not coming from the USA or Europe. You must change Chinese law if you wish to alter this graph. Good luck.

You’ll soon discover the truth about CO2..

Let’s see how many of your arguments remain standing. “CO2 will end the world!! Everything and everyone will burn and drown to death! Or freeze! We just don’t know!”

We have been through far worse calamities than even the most hysterical Climate Alarmists warn about today

Looks like we’re heading for another massive cold era..

“Change” is normal. If you ask what percent of present change is due to human activity, and what percent is natural change, the answer you will receive is: “We don’t know, but the science is settled”.

We exist in the inter-glacial period. Things are about to get chilly.

Estimates of CO2’s “Warming Ability” Keep Dropping Toward Zero – Year after year the estimates drop..

CO2 is not the warming monster they told us it was. The hysterical media and CO2 Cultists have nothing to say on this.

CO2 is only 0.038% of Earth’s Atmosphere, and only 3.6% of Greenhouse Gasses..

Making your country “Carbon Neutral” means absolutely nothing… apart from votes of course.

CO2’s Greenhouse Effect is Logarithmic, not Linear

This means: doubling the CO2 does NOT correspond to doubling the warming effect. Additional CO2 does not have the same warming effect as initial CO2.

Let’s look at where we get our temperature measurements

Some of the worst locations imaginable

Climate Model temperature INPUT data is riddled with errors and everybody knows it

“unfit for global studies”

“simple basic quality checks had not been done”

“climate models have been tuned to match incorrect data, which would render incorrect predictions of future temperatures and estimates of the human influence of temperatures”

Settled Science?

The power hungry Big Government and Corporate Media pump out a constant propaganda bombardment, telling you:

“The Science is Settled, Don’t Question Anything.. Just support One Giant World Government.. it is the only way.. give up all your local powers.. surrender all your freedoms.. let the secretive establishment centralize all power.. or you will burn to death and drown at the same time!”

Not only is there no such thing as ‘settled science’, but they don’t even follow the Scientific Method

What if the “Paris Climate Accord” was our last chance to avoid certain death!

Go against the hysteria and suffer the consequences

It’s the sun

CO2 doesn’t correlate, sunspot cycles do

That big burning ball in the sky has more impact on planet earth than cow popping and driving cars? Don’t tell the Climate Cultists. They can’t massively inflate the size of Government and micro manage everybody’s lives by protesting to ban the sun. And that’s all they really want anyway; CONTROL & POWER.

Too many inconvenient truths for the Climate Cultists

None of this matters to the Climate Cultist, because the Climate Apocalypse Cult has nothing to do with science

The Climate Cultists will ignore the flaws in their religion. They will keep shouting the word ‘greenhouse’ until you give them full control over your life. Their real problem is that they are control freaks, and the Climate Cult gives them an emotionally-relieving way to attack everyone around them and demand complete control of everything – while claiming to occupy an unearned moral high ground. The Climate Cult is a form of therapy and coping behavior for those who want relief from the pain of the human condition.

Video Playlists

To learn about the sun, watch this series of short videos from the ‘Suspicious Observers’ community

..and watch their ‘Sun, Earth and Science’ daily news briefings