Defining & Defeating Degeneracy

The glorification of sickness, ugliness, deceit, defeat, downward decay, depravity, muck, slop, slime, victimhood, failure, weakness, and woe.

Modernity is a cult of degeneracy.

Degeneracy: to break down, to disintegrate, to turn order into chaos, to inhibit the generation of new forms, to deconstruct prior creations of value.

Generacy: to fix, to improve, to advance the integration of matter, for order to arise from chaos, to create value, to generate new forms and regenerate decaying forms.

Beauty . . . is the highest integrative level of understanding and the most comprehensive capacity for effective action. It enables us to go with, rather than against, the deepest tendency or theme of the universe.
Frederick Turner

Generacy is the resistance and reversal of nothingness.
Degeneracy is the embrace and race toward nothingness.

You are locked in the cosmic war between creation and nothingness.

Entropy: the tendency of all things is to reduce to disorder and then to nothingness. The degeneration of all things. The disintegration of all integrated forms. The deconstruction of all that has been constructed. The downward destruction of all upward creation.

The yearning for radiance and innocent pleasure, free of guilt—and for the satisfaction of always doing the right thing—is the start of ethical and aesthetic ossification.
Alison Kinney
Much of the stress and emptiness that haunt us can be traced back to our lack of attention to beauty. Internally, the mind becomes coarse and dull if it remains unvisited by images and thoughts that hold the radiance of beauty.
John O'Donohue
John O’Donohue

Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets: peace, freedom, law, civility, public spirit, the security of property and family life, in all of which we depend on the cooperation of others while having no means singlehandedly to obtain it. In respect of such things, the work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation slow, laborious and dull. [It is] why conservatives suffer such a disadvantage when it comes to public opinion. Their position is true but boring, that of their opponents exciting but false.
Roger Scruton
Roger Scruton

The modern liberal; there’s something about his ideology that leads him to invariably and inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right, the lesser over the better, the ugly over the beautiful, the profane over the profound, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.
Evan Sayet