Equality Does Not Exist

OBVIOUS FACT: There is no evidence for equality of any kind

Equality does not exist. Everybody is unique.

Equalism is a childish anti-reality fantasy. Escape your Reality Denial. Realise equality has no basis in reality, and never did. Come and join us in the real world.

If equality does not exist, what does?

Above average exists.
Below average exists.
Hierarchy exists.
Natural inequality exists.
Group differences exist.
Individual differences exist.

Equality does not exist
Everybody isn’t Average, nor should they be

The people promoting the lie of equality are deeply confused or devious. They forget or ignore the simple truth humanity has always known: No two people – let alone two entire groups of people – are the same. The equality hoax is taught by the devious to those below the average who desperately want to believe there is no difference between them and the above average. Mother Nature knows nothing of equality – and in fact, the theory of the evolution of man rests on the Unbreakable Truths of difference and inequality, which manifest themselves on every level of reality.

In what measurable way are people “all the same”? None. It is a hoax from start to finish. You may claim all are spiritually equal. Or all are equal under the law. You may claim many abstract equalities. But you cannot claim one scientifically measurable way in which different people are in fact the same.

The equality belief is Extreme Reality Denial.

Not one piece of evidence exists for the claim that “all humans possess the same capacities for greatness”. There exists a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Members of the Cult of Equality will never tell you this, and they will resent you for pointing it out.

Mother Nature did not bestow her myriad gifts equally, nor should she have. Only children and adult fools believe she did. Only the below average believe that we should fight a levelling fight, to bring everybody in line with the pitiful “average” which they themselves fail to attain.

Equality requires the destruction of everything above average.
Equality is the enemy of quality.

  • Is everybody just as fast as everybody else?
    No. Some are faster.
  • Is everybody as ugly as everybody else?
    No. Some are uglier.
  • Does everybody have the same interests and the same definitions of success?
    No: we see the full range.
  • Is everybody as hard working, as intelligent, as capable, as honest, as strong, as quick, as social, as moral, as healthy, as everybody else?

    Only a fool would expect or desire equal outcomes when the answer to these questions is a resounding no.
From whichever quarter the principle of human equality is approached, it appears to recede into ever deeper dimness and obscurity the more hotly it is pursued. What does this elusiveness signify? Has the principle any reality at all? That is to say, is it something that can be realised? Or is it the most unscrupulous lie that has ever been sewn as a device upon the banner of a faction?
Anthony Ludovici

The Destructive Equality Hoax

Despite searching far and wide, the scientific community has yet to discover one piece of evidence of equality of any kind, between even two people – let alone between two groups of people.

So, the question must be urgently asked by every Western man: Was “equality” a hoax all along?

Is it the biggest hoax of the modern world?

Is it the biggest hoax of all time?

Attempting to transform the above average into average, and transform the below average into average – the great levelling – is the most destructive, anti-evolution, anti-excellence ideology ever sold to a gullible people. If it is not laughed out of existence it will go on to destroy everything of value in the West and tank the whole Western Civilization project.

Equality is the Enemy of Quality.

Man has always known inequality is the nature of Nature. Since the Marxists and the Capitalists won WW2, the entire West has purchased the destructive Equality Ideology at the high price of All Common Sense and All Recognition of Value.

To determine the quality of something, one must compare it to other things. One must discriminate between multiple things. The modern, rotten thinking we have inherited in the West declares that all discrimination between multiple things is the height of evil.

Intelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions:

Dumb: These two things are fruit.

Less Dumb: This is an apple and an orange.

Smart-ish: This is a red apple and an orange orange.

Smart: This is a red Cox apple with 8 seeds and a bright orange orange with 12 pips.

The ability to make finer distinctions is the definition of intelligence; the ability to drill down deeper and deeper into differences. Discriminatory thinking is the very essence of intelligence.

In order to buy the “everything is equal” hoax we have had to sacrifice the very concept of intelligent thinking. In this new regime of stupidity, we must pretend to know things we don’t know, and pretend not to know things we do know. We have to make ourselves stupid in order to pretend to believe equality is a real thing. This stupidity affects our conclusions in uncountable other ways, causing a system-wide degradation.

The Destructive Equality Ideology is Intentional Stupidity and is the Enemy of Quality.

Every Western Man must flush his mind clean of the Equality Hoax and become smart again.

Are women equal to men?

No, nobody is equal to anybody else. And you can’t prove they are.

The reality of nature is hierarchy and difference.

Are the Chinese equal to the Indians equal to the Japanese equal to the Germans equal to the young equal to the old?

No, nobody is equal to anybody else. Equality does not exist in reality. Equality exists only in the minds of fools and scammers.

All leftism is based on demanding freedom from natural laws, calling them oppression, and denying reality, pretending natural consequences are imposed by some human antagonist and not reality itself.
Eli Harman

California Marxists are trying to ban the full potential of child geniuses because there are people below the average the Marxist solution is to lower the average. The Equality Cult will never stop until everything of higher value is destroyed.

The New Morality

The new morality dictates that all success is unearned, because everybody is equal and the same. Therefore anybody who has more success in life than anybody else must have come by that success through swindle. As a result, those who are failures are ascribed a hyper-morality.

Life’s victims and the below average are told to us to be society’s conscience, the moral ones, the superior ones, the truly noble ones. Under the new morality, victimhood status is all that is required to prove that you are a good person. If you have been a victim of some or other circumstance, or produced fewer successes as a people or as a culture, then it is the duty of everybody else to listen to you and allow you to reorganise society. Lack of success is all the proof required to give you all the power you wish and take seriously your wisdom.

Equality is the elevation of failure over success.

The new morality is: everybody is equal, so if you have nothing then that is the precise proof that you are the most deserving of everything. If you have the fruits of your success, that is the precise proof that you do not deserve them.

The idea of equality is the most destructive idea ever conceived by man.

If no culture is better than any other culture, and one culture consistently produces successful results century after century, the only conclusion that can be made – to these lazy minds – is that someone has cheated.

If any and all paths equally lead to successful outcomes, and there is no such thing as a bad decision, the only explanation for success is robbery.

Of course, not all cultures are equal, not all paths lead equally to success, and not all decisions are the same. And no two groups of people have equal averages by any metric. But relentlessly we hear from the hysterical among us that all cultures are equal, all people are equal, all groups are equal, all behaviors are equal, equal equal equal. Because: to engage intelligence, discriminatory thinking, is now a hate crime. To the dimwits in the Cult of Equality, everything is equal to everything else and any difference of outcomes must be due to racism, sexism, hateful discrimination, and oppression.

On the inside-looking-out of Equalism, the complexities of the world are very simple: everything is equal, therefore all differences in outcomes must be discrimination, and discrimination is the height of evil, so only the below-average is worth preserving. And so, one only needs to look for outperformers and you have found yourself a new enemy to fight.

Equality is the fight against everything proven to be successful, and the wholesale denial of all differences of input.

The New Morality is a childish crippling of the senses, a rotting house built upon the sand. Equality is a simplified enemy-seeking device, to prompt the unthinking masses and the resentful activists to attack everything that has made Western Civilization so consistently above average.


Facts from the Red Pill Fact Book

Big Manly Brains

Male brains are bigger than female brains. 92% of men will be above the mean for women. On average men have 117.8 cm3 more brain than women.

Source: Cerebral Cortex (Volume 28 Issue 8), ‘Sex Differences in the Adult Human Brain: Evidence from 5216 UK Biobank Participants’, 2018,

Male & Female Brain Powers

“In general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence compared with women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared to men.” In human brains, “gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers.”

Study co-author and neuro-psychologist Rex Jung said, “men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills.”

Source: LiveScience, ‘Men and Women Really Do Think Differently’,

Women’s Political Knowledge

“Women are less likely to know about current affairs than men.”

Surveying citizens of Australia, Canada, Colombia, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, the UK, and the US, women consistently “answered fewer questions correctly than men in every country”, with gaps in political knowledge being “wider in countries that have done the most to promote gender equality”.

Source: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), The Guardian Datablog, ‘Women know less about politics than men worldwide’, 2013,

Gender Pay Gap: Men At Work

UK: 61.6% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with only 28.7% of employed women.

Canada: 64.8% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 34.5% of employed women.

Australia: 57.8% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 28.2% of employed women.

New Zealand: 79.7% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 50.8% of employed women.

Ireland: 56.5% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 23.8% of employed women.

Germany: 64.3% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 31.7% of employed women.

France: 34.6% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 20.3% of employed women.

Italy: 72.6% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 38.3% of employed women.

Poland: 93.9% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 83.7% of employed women.

Netherlands: 50.9% of employed men work 40+ hours per week, compared with 12.7% of employed women.

Source: Organisation For Economic Co-operation and Development, 2017 data,