Operation TIPS, 2002: US Planning to Recruit 1 in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies

As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, 2002:

The Bush Administration aims to recruit millions of United States citizens as domestic informants … The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report “suspicious activity”.

“Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.”

A pilot program .. is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage.”

From AnonymousConservative.com: