r/K Selection – The Psychology & Biology Behind Modern Politics

“The explanatory power of this book is quite simply astonishing. The methods by which modern political thought evolved and took shape suddenly become clear and transparent, when before one would be left wondering just why the hell anyone could possibly think that the magnificent fraud of Marxism made any kind of sense to anyone…

A masterpiece…, one that every reader of this blog should go out there and purchase or download immediately. I cannot stress enough just how important this work is to your understanding of the world and how useful it will be in the development of your own ideas and paradigms.”

 Didact’s Reach Book Review
The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics - Anonymous Conservative

The must-read book, demystifying the behavior patterns and policy platforms of the modern political divide.

That book opened my eyes in a way that nothing I’ve ever read, ever has… that must have been what Darwin’s Theory of Evolution must have been for biologists, or what Newton’s insights, or especially Einstein’s insights were for physicists… the most eye-opening theory about politics I have ever read… This book is mindbogglingly brilliant…

Bill Whittle

Presentation: Gene Wars – Understanding the Biology of Politics

Infographic: r/K Summary

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Book Extract