Self Improvement: Climb to the Peak of Perfection

Info herein is not a substitute for individualized qualified medical expertise, etc.

Modern man has the ambition of replacing with objects he buys what other ages hoped to obtain from methodical cultivation of the sentiments.

3 cornerstones of a truly ambitious person:

  • Focused attention
  • Resilience
  • Integrity
Why postpone your better future any longer? Get at it today. Get some new books, make a new plan, set a new goal. Ask some new questions, lock on to a new resolve, make a new effort, and do it all now.
jim rohn
Jim Rohn


The Plan to Save the West is: You

  1. Learn new skills. Grow 1% stronger every day.
  2. Read books. Reading the news is not enough.
  3. Rebuild your lost community: Start a club or community group – chess, sports, reading, cooking, build a tribe around your non-political interests.
  4. Earn a high social standing. Be a dependable man of stature.
  5. Accept challenges. Compete.
  6. Overcome your emotions. Only rational determination will help you now. Emotional decisions are for girls. A leader must act logically and do what is right, not what feels right. Emotional men cannot be consistent leaders.
  7. Don’t be fat. If your ideas cause you to be fat then you have bad ideas.
  8. Don’t be weak. If your ideas cause you to be weak then you have bad ideas.
  9. Guard your health. It is your precious firm foundation.
  10. Quit sugar. It gnaws at your integrity with every bite.
  11. Have an above-average number of children and raise them well. In your veins flows the ancient and victorious blood of heroes; send it forth into the future.
  12. Do not fill your blood with poison. If you do, you do not deserve your blood. Deserve means to earn through service.
  13. Hydrate. You cannot reclaim the Western Destiny if you are drying up.
  14. Become more persuasive; study influence and rhetoric.
  15. Boost your vocabulary.
  16. Learn to live alongside the forces of evil and degeneracy and be unchanged by them, and, by so doing, you change them. The effect of your gravity is greater than you imagine. You are the gravitational tether than can transform downward degenerate direction by strong example upward.
  17. Learn to recognise the many forms which the enemies of the West will take. Learn to identify their habits and behaviours, and the lies they tell. Western men at present do not understand the nature of the forces preying upon them, and this situation will be decided one way or the other. Reveal to many the true nature of reality. Lead and guide your people. Set your people free.
  18. Bring forth good fruit. It will be obvious to all if your philosophy is any good. You won’t even have to utter a word. Your philosophy will prove itself in your health, fitness, posture, your virtuous behaviour, attire, cleanliness and well-grooming, your sobriety, your self-discipline, mental balance and mastery over your emotions, your conquest over egocentricity, your bravery and honesty, and above all, in your defence of your highest sense of honour and duty. If you are a mess, then your philosophy is a mess and you should only share it with others as a warning.
Strength is morality. Weakness is sin. Weakness requires punishment. If you’re weak, if you’re obese, if you’re a drug addict, become less so. Become stronger. Move towards the sun. Become more coherent, become more articulate. Cast more of a shadow.
Jonathan Bowden

Succumbing to noble temptations prevents surrendering to base temptations.


Questions to ask yourself today, tomorrow, and often

What am I grateful for?

What am I choosing to focus on today?
While I am focusing on this, what does it mean?
With what attitude must tasks be performed?

What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
What impact will the accomplishment of this task have on my future?

What results are expected of me?
What does peak performance look like?
What must I do to operate at peak performance?

What is the power behind my ambition?
What do I feel called to go and do?

What are my personal weaknesses, and what are their opposites?
What activities could ruthlessly target these weaknesses and turn them into their opposite strengths?

Where do I get greater returns than the average person?
What has me inspired?
What feels natural to me?
When do I feel most alive?
When do I feel like the real me?

What have I done today that makes this day successful?
What went well this week?
What didn’t go well this week?
What did I learn this week?
What are 5 things I must improve next week?

How much of life have I missed from under-planning or over-planning?
How can I better say “no” to the trivial, so I can better say “yes” to the critical?

What are the core values that drive my life and work?
Is how I am spending my time consistent with my major goals?
How am I living and working with integrity right now?
How can I set a higher standard in the future?

What do I want to be proud I accomplished by this time next year?
What’s the biggest action I could take in the next two weeks that will help me move toward that goal?

This list has its own page:

Soft lands breed soft men; wondrous fruits of the earth and valiant warriors grow not from the same soil.


Store Receipts are turning you into a woman

Plastics and many other chemicals too. When we say “The modern world is killing you” we are not joking around.

BPA gets into your fingers and mimics human estrogen in your body. The modern world appears to be built upon BPA and other endocrine disruptors
Stoicism should be our way. Courage should be our way. When somebody pushes you, you push them back. When somebody’s false to you, you’re false to them. When somebody’s friendly to you, you are to them. You fight for your own country, and your own group, and your own culture, and your own civilization, at your own level, and in your own way. And when somebody says, “Apologize for this, or that” you say: “No. I regret nothing.” And it’s a good answer! I have no regrets.
Johnathan Bowden


Master Time Management, Stop Wasting Time
But war does not agree with a delicate habit of body, used only to the shade; for even one lean soldier that hath been used to military exercises shall overthrow whole troops of mere wrestlers who know nothing of war.


From the book WINNING: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness by Tim S. Grover


From the book MASTERY by Robert Greene
The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It’s remarkable what you can build if you just don’t stop. It’s remarkable the business you can build if you don’t stop working. It’s remarkable the body you can build if you don’t stop training. It’s remarkable the knowledge you can build if you don’t stop learning. It’s remarkable the fortune you can build if you don’t stop saving. It’s remarkable the friendships you can build if you don’t stop caring. Small habits don’t add up, they compound.
james clear atomic habits quote
James Clear


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert Heinlein


Learn Any New Skill with MicroMastery

How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content

It doesn’t mention any of the tech options, like rapid Text to Speech or Audiobooks as covered on our Book Per Week page

Start Asking Better Questions

The 10 Qualities To Building Your Personal Power and Success

Get your priorities clear in mind, set your S.M.A.R.T goals

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
– Socrates

“Body fat contains aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogens, the main sex hormones in women. Having extra estrogens floating around your system triggers your body to slow its production of testosterone. And the less testosterone you make, the more belly fat you accumulate and the more estrogens you spew.”

Avoid the Weight Fate at all cost

The average American woman now weighs more than the average 1960s American man.

Source: CDC Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, ‘Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index, United States 1960–2002’, 2004,

We are the young ascetics. We will overcome pain and challenge the death itself . All this we do so that our people may live. We will leave behind us the easy life, empty days and vanity. We harden ourselves with pain and strengthen ourselves with want. Our power grows day by day. You, who wasted your chance, you, who were corrupted and whose souls were bought ­- do not try to teach us, for goats cannot teach lions.
kai murros
Kai Murros

The Kettlebell Swing – The Single Best Exercise Ever?

Men, Women, Alcohol, Testosterone

Getting drunk aka “acute alcohol ingestion” … “decreases blood testosterone levels in normal healthy men”.[1]

When “healthy pre-menopausal women” were given a “low dose of alcohol”, acute increase in blood testosterone levels were measured.[1] The alcohol effect on testosterone is more prominent among women using Oral Contraceptives.[2]

“Chronic male alcoholics” are known to experience “testicular atrophy, gynaecomastia [male boobs], impotence and sterility”. Alcohol has a “direct toxic effect on the testes” and thus impairs testosterone production, and alcohol “enhances testosterone catabolism [breakdown]”. In addition to the negative impact on testosterone levels, “chronic alcoholic men are also exposed to the excessive oestrogen effect that results from the accumulation of oestrogenic hormones”.[3]

Source 1: Nature Vol 369, ‘Sex hormone response to alcohol’, 1994,

Source 2: Alcohol Alcohol Vol 35, ‘Acute effect of alcohol on androgens in premenopausal women’, 2000,

Source 3: Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 18, Issue 4, ‘The Effect of Alcohol on Male and Female Sexual Function’, 1983,

‘Tis a battle for bread, for love, for breath,
‘Tis a race for life to the jaws of death.

Death endeth all for every man,
For every “son of thunder:”
Then be a Lion in the path;
And don’t be trampled under.

Ragnar Redbeard


To take up great resolutions, and then to lay them aside, would only end in dishonour.
King Olaf Trygvisson’s Saga


For more on this subject, visit:

The lecture

The documentary

Today every passion that is not for money, honor, or pleasure is called unreasonable and fanatical.
Louis de Bonald


Vitamin C helps burn higher levels of body fat at lower levels of exercise

Individuals with low Vitamin C levels burned “25% less fat per kg body weight … as compared to individuals with adequate vitamin C status.”

Vitamin C is a cofactor in the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule required to shuttle fat to the mitochondria to be burned for energy.

“A reduction in the ability to oxidize fat may contribute to the reported inverse relationship between vitamin C status and adiposity.”

Source: Nutrition & Metabolism 2006 3:35, ‘Marginal vitamin C status is associated with reduced fat oxidation during submaximal exercise in young adults’, 2006,

Vitamin C Decreases Death

A 10+ year study of 11,348 U.S. adults found that men taking just 500mg of vitamin C per day had:

– a 35% lower risk of death from ALL CAUSES,
– a 42% lower risk of death from heart disease,
– and 22% lower risk of death from cancer.

The numbers for women were 10%, 25%, and 14% respectively.

The researchers adjusted for age, sex, and 10 potentially confounding variables (including smoking, education, race, and disease history).

Source: Epidemiology (Vol 3 No 3) ‘Vitamin C intake and mortality among a sample of the United States population’, 1992,

Vitamin C Electron Flow vs Oxidative Damage

4-minute visual of Vitamin C’s electron donating ability, reducing and reversing oxidative damage.

C Compilation

So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Corinthians 10:13


Curious about the research on the effect of pornography?


I desired to live worthily as long as I lived, and to leave after my life, to the men who should come after me, the memory of me in good works.

King Alfred the Great

Elegance, dignity, nobility are the only values life does not succeed in disrespecting.