Visionary Creativity: The Bringers of the New

“We might think of people as generally falling into several groups or combinations thereof in terms of temperament and ability:
leaders, who organize, motivate, and command;
nurturers, who care for others;
producers, who make things;
actives, who seek physical challenges;
scholars who contemplate ideas;
mystics, who experience transcendence;
and somnambulists, who are content with feelings of wellbeing.
And Visionary Creatives, bringers of the new, destroyers of the old.

“Visionary Creatives swim in the culture of their day and manifest in their work the spirit of their age.

The things they create – in art, design, science, technology, business – embody that spirit, and at the same time are a little off center for us, somehow not what we anticipated, presenting discontinuities that stretch us, re-form our neural paths, and pull us into the future.”

– John Lobell