All Great Movements are Art Movements

We need a new artistic burst of creativity coming from millions of people, for the West to re-energise and reorganise, and for us all to rediscover how to relate to one another and to the universe at large.

Our direction and dominant psychology was laid down in art form right at the start.

Every great movement is an art movement; art being how we relate to the unexplainable miracle of creation (and science being our investigation of this miracle).

The European people’s present civilisation formed, and formed from, 2 primary creations – the temple form and epic poem – and this has shaped the journey so far. So says John Lobell, author of Visionary Creativity, in his lecture The West’s Symbolic Structure. His ideas are hard to resist.

It is hard to argue now that the West is not exhausted and caught in a collapse.

The whole world watches in keen anticipation of what the Western Men will do next.