How Hollywood Poisons Your Mind and Morals

They mould your minds and have you see the world not as it is, but as they want you to see it. Through their cinema, they are the educators of our youth and with just one film in two hours, can wipe out of a child’s brain what he has learned in six months in the home, the church or the school.
Adrien Arcand

Moral Subversion and Perception Control

Video tricks the mind. Video shows you things that never happened, and tricks your brain into believing in the fake cause and effect of what you see. This then negatively impacts all future decision making. Video rewires your mind—whether you like it or not—to believe in a fake reality of fake consequences.

Think about the long history of our species before video: the human brain simply would not see things that were not real – so the brain is wired to believe what is seen. If you witness an action that leads to success, your brain stores it as a “good action” to copy; if you see an action that leads to failure, your brain stores it as a “bad action” to avoid. This is how we are wired, to rapidly learn from the social cues we witness in group dynamics on a daily basis to calibrate our behaviour and make decisions. And, everything is going just fine. Then scripted video comes along… and begins to rewire all perception of cause and effect and all perception of actions on a MASSIVE scale. You witness bad actions lead to success, you see good actions lead to failure, and your brain ends up a slave in the service of the programmer. Once video was invented, the confused and controlled brainwashed future of mankind was assured. Video is the most dangerous weapon in existence today.

Guarding yourself and your women and children from the impact of video imagery is a priority for all men and fathers.

Those who control the video feed control the future. If you want to drive entire populations off a cliff there is no better weapon than video. Soon enough they won’t know which way is up, nor good or evil, nor right or wrong. They will live inside a pseudo reality, with their entire bloodline derailed, out of touch with reality itself.

Continued below..

Documentary: Out of the Shadows

The dark side of Hollywood and Corporate Media exposed


We have all seen TV shows and movies where we are presented with characters we are given every excuse to like, only to watch them commit heinously immoral acts that are rewarded within the arc of their scripted story.

Think of any popular TV show or movie. Viewers watch, episode after episode, their favourite characters betray each other, lie, cheat, steal, engage in all manner of trickery and betrayal to further their own goals, all with a fake laugh track to provide fake social approval for their heinous acts. This is repeated show after show, movie after movie, and the audience never questions the situation. The mindless viewers come to like their favourite scripted characters often more than their own friends and family, and they download their New Morality – a hyper skewed immorality – into their own heads as their own new standard of social behaviour. Or just as often, we see Straight Male European Christians playing every bumbling, dumb and evil role, only to be schooled by caring, sensitive, noble, High IQ minorities who are there to replace them and show them how to act morally. Additionally, the lie-spinners fabricate and rewrite history in the public imagination on a mass scale.

The manipulation runs deeper than we can at first imagine. Any investigation of the matter reveals this to be the case.

Now, imagine the effect upon children, watching their favourite characters lie, cheat and steal their way to success. Reality Warping of young minds is occurring with industrial strength.

Did you read the lyrics of the famous song?

[Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care what they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free]

Countless millions of children learned this song off by heart.

The children were not given our finest poetry and parables to learn, to furnish their minds with truth and beauty for their whole lifetimes, they were given propaganda prompting them to rebel against all forms of existent Order and Responsibility and therefore Life itself, and told repeatedly to do whatever they wish to free themselves from all rules and standards of behaviour.

Hollywood and all adjacent industries are highly adept at installing immorality into impressionable minds – and getting audiences to pay for the privilege. We are paying hundreds of billions annually for the privilege of Moral Subversion and Social Decay and Political Propaganda disguised as mindless entertainment.

These fat profits are then rolled straight back into the greasy system, and the next round of poison pumping grows ever larger.

Suspension of Disbelief has us trained from birth to believe everything we see and hear, uncritically, if it comes packaged as glossy and pre-approved as popular and correct.

Suspension of Disbelief is Hollywood code for turning off all critical faculties and surrendering. The modern mind slips effortlessly between watching wizards and flying people, and advertised pseudo-idealisms, and presentations of goodhearted murderers and likeable swindlers, and believing it all. Then the very same mind, well trained to suspend all critical thought, comfortably watches the evening news and the news feeds, just as uncritical of everything presented as “Reality” by the professional manipulators. The modern mind is overloaded with fantasies and lies that threaten to collapse our whole system of Order. People cannot tell fact from fiction – and they have been trained this way, at great expense, from birth.

A hallmark of the inherently censorious anti-nature leftist ideology is Reality Denial. You yourself have witnessed how many people can no longer handle the basic facts of reality. Billions of people are caught in a mental stupor, unable to shake the gigantic fake reality they have relentlessly downloaded into their minds.

Any revival of our people and cultures must begin with rooting ourselves in Excellence, Strength, Truth, and Beauty; in a word, Reality, and Total Reality Acceptance.

Art and not commodity entertainment, Health of Mind and Body and not muck and decay, Generacy and Right Living and not degeneracy and poisonous behaviour, Creation glorified and not destruction, Creativity and not passive consumption.

With regards to the industries of Subversive Entertainment, Decay, Degeneracy, Poison, Destruction, and Passive Consumption – an all out war must be waged upon these forces inside every man, and waged with his entire efforts. Art, Activity, Health, Generacy, Right Living, Creation and Creativity are the weapons.

A total sweeping of the public mind of all the lies and the phantoms and the demons that plague us night after night in our movies and TV shows and broadcast media, and deadening culture, is the work we must energetically accept.

Imagine the public body, healthy and vital and wholesome, rid of all the weakness and deceit that infect our spirit. We can begin to wake up to true reality only once we free ourselves from the constant pouring of poison into the community streams, ending the bombardment of immorality and degeneracy.

Nourishment of the mind and morals is the work of this new era, and the task every Western Man must undertake.

That is what we are all called to produce: Nourishment of the mind and morals. It is what The Western Man has excelled at for over 30 centuries and more. His success in this has been unparalleled. Only recently has he handed over the reigns of Western Culture to people who, all evidence suggests, hate the Good, and the True, and the Beautiful. The present Culture Creators are driving us at full speed toward the abyss, and they have made of us blind passengers.

Video Analysis of Hollywood’s Moral Subversion Efforts

Interview: The Politics of the Hollywood Machine

Of course, since this study was done, no conservatives anywhere support the devious work of the Hollywood sickos.