ETERNAL REBELLION: The Straight White Male

Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder readily admits the movement is about dismantling the patriarchy, rejecting Eurocentrism and correcting racism, and focussing society more on homosexuality. Another manipulated ragtag group of misfit globalist activists targeting the dreaded.. straight white male.

Their aims will be accomplished by dramatically arresting broccolis:

Arab World Inbreeding: Percentages

Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. Reliable research suggests cousin marriage inbreeding rates in many Arab nations are over 50 percent.

Arab World Inbreeding

Statistical research on cousin marriage in Arabic countries shows rates up to:

34% of all marriages in Algiers
46% in Bahrain
33% in Egypt
80% in Nubia (southern area in Egypt)
60% in Iraq
64% in Jordan
64% in Kuwait
42% in Lebanon
48% in Libya
47% in Mauritania
54% in Qatar
67% in Saudi Arabia
63% in Sudan
40% in Syria
39% in Tunisia
54% in the United Arabic Emirates
45% in Yemen

Source: Reproductive Health Journal, Issue 6, ‘Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs’, 2009,

“Saudi Arabia is a living genetics laboratory,” Dr. Stephen R. Schroeder, executive director of the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research, told the Times. “Here you can study 10 families to study genetic disorders, where you would need 10,000 families to study genetic disorders in the United States.”

Some Science of Race

‘Replacement Migration’ Needed to Replace Old Europeans with Young Africans – so says Anti-West Leftists, Liberals, and Globalists

Population Replacement is Good Economic Policy For Big Business, says HuffPost
You Will Be Replaced, says UN
New Blood Needs to Replace European Blood, says Foreign Policy Magazine

World Population in 2100: Africa Unstoppable

UN Africa Projections

The UN Population Projection for Africa predicts a quadruple increase by 2100, reaching 4.1 billion.

“By 2100 the United Nations forecasts there will be 4.185 billion people on the continent.” “The United Nations predicts Africa’s population could be as low as 2.826 billion by 2100, or as high as 6.007 billion.”

“If African fertility rates – based on data from 2005 to 2010 – remain constant, Africa’s population could grow to a staggering 17.221 billion.”


Some Curious Numbers About Race