Vitamin C Facts: Substantially Reduces Death Rates, Burns More Body Fat


Vitamin C helps burn higher levels of body fat at lower levels of exercise

Individuals with low Vitamin C levels burned “25% less fat per kg body weight … as compared to individuals with adequate vitamin C status.”

Vitamin C is a cofactor in the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule required to shuttle fat to the mitochondria to be burned for energy.

“A reduction in the ability to oxidize fat may contribute to the reported inverse relationship between vitamin C status and adiposity.”

Source: Nutrition & Metabolism 2006 3:35, ‘Marginal vitamin C status is associated with reduced fat oxidation during submaximal exercise in young adults’, 2006,

Vitamin C Decreases Death

A 10+ year study of 11,348 U.S. adults found that men taking just 500mg of vitamin C per day had:

– a 35% lower risk of death from ALL CAUSES,
– a 42% lower risk of death from heart disease,
– and 22% lower risk of death from cancer.

The numbers for women were 10%, 25%, and 14% respectively.

The researchers adjusted for age, sex, and 10 potentially confounding variables (including smoking, education, race, and disease history).

Source: Epidemiology (Vol 3 No 3) ‘Vitamin C intake and mortality among a sample of the United States population’, 1992,

Vitamin C Electron Flow vs Oxidative Damage


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