The 4th Great Harvest of WesternMan


Which is the heavier burden, to believe and act as if you are forgotten by Fate and have no great role to play.. or to believe and act as if you are chosen by Fate and have every part to play?

Do you not know.. The Genius Olympians are rising



The traditional commonplace scandalizes modern man. The most subversive book in our time would be a compendium of old proverbs.

To find oneself at the mercy of the people’s whims, thanks to universal suffrage, is what liberalism calls the guarantee of freedom.

Dying societies accumulate laws like dying men accumulate remedies.

What the reactionary says never interests anybody. Neither at the time he says it, because it seems absurd, nor after a few years, because it seems obvious.

WesternMan Quote Collection

The growing quotation library of homepage fame is now available here


Note: The construction of the WesternMan Red Pilling Machine is continuing day and night, behind the scenes and on the stage.

Many see it as their duty to awaken those around them to The State of Things and the dire situation in which we find ourselves. You can begin by sending a sleeping friend to the horrifying Collapse page. The minds of most happy-go-lucky sleepers refuse to grapple with the information that contradicts their ideology, and most don’t understand the information anyway. They stare at one or two small puzzle pieces and cannot imagine the big picture, and so they think no more about it, and go about their week as if nothing at all happened.

For those who wish to “wake up” others to the array of concealed information and perspectives alternative to the mainstream corpo-government-media powerbase, the challenge is presenting a vision of the big picture in a way that they will never un-see, and be able to use inside their head to make predictions about what they will see next. A science fiction novelist would call this “World Building”. Westerners have been subjected to relentless Fake-World Building for generations, with lies piled upon lies, piled upon lies. To begin to heal, millions of people need to get their story straight.

Awakening from the living nightmare is like Lucid Dreaming – you must first become aware you are in fact trapped in a nightmare, and you realise the course of events will respond sharply to your struggle. Then you may begin to rouse yourself and your sanity back to reality.

WesternMan is the ongoing effort to compile the largest resource available specifically designed for you to shake sleepers awake to the fact the ship is sinking fast, and we need all hands on the deck, and that rebirth may be possible if enough people pull in the direction of Excellence, Strength, Truth and Beauty.

Share the Collapse collection with a friend and see what happens:

More horrifying entries are added daily. Every downward trend will be featured.

In time, the required hundreds of millions of people will be awakened and dedicated to the rebirth The Western Project. The failures of the status quo get more fantastical as time goes on, and the Collapse Denial of the millions becomes more difficult to maintain.

Soon, the point of no return will be reached.

Very soon, the level of Knowing will be too great to constrain.

Every new person newly aware of the downward direction of the West is another person both pulling upwards and no longer pushing downwards. The long-term effect of shaking people out of their Reality Denial is immeasurable. The long-term effect of not doing so is disaster for all.

To spread an idea to the majority of a population, a minimum of 10% of firm believers with unshakeable belief is required. 9% is too few. Also, 9.9% is too few. A 1 in 10 is required as a minimum to reach the Tipping Point, to ensure an idea is pushed into the mainstream majority.

Think of your Social Network, or Town, or State. Run the numbers. Look at how few people are required to dominate the culture and sway the majority. Clearly, censorship and fakery are powerful forces that will in time be overcome. There are however many ways of expressing yourself, and there are always better ways of expressing what you want to impart.

To Red Pill a Nation, simply start flipping nodes from off to on. You don’t need a TV Show speaking to millions to have a lasting impact. You don’t need a bestselling book to accomplish the goal. Presenting and living your ideals in a memorable and explicit fashion, unashamed, and explaining your ideas in masterfully succinct ways that uproot the many lies, and repeating fundamental truths until they are accepted as obvious by former deniers – this is enough to start electrifying the network and create an unstoppable chain reaction.

Asking questions is a good place to start. As Sun Tzu advises us, know your enemy as yourself and you fear not a hundred battles.

Watch how easily people slot into group conformity, and how easily new social norms can be created out of thin air
It doesn’t take much vocal dissent to break people out of Reality Denial. One lone truth speaker is more than enough to free those around them

The only thing that matters today is the activity of those who can ‘ride the wave’ and remain firm in their principles, unmoved by any concessions and indifferent to the fevers, the convulsions, the superstitions, and the prostitutions that characterize modern generations.

The only thing that matters is the silent endurance of a few, whose impassible presence as ‘stone guests’ helps to create new relationships, new distances, new values, and helps to construct a pole that, although it will certainly not prevent this world inhabited by the distracted and restless from being what it is, will still help to transmit to someone the sensation of the truth – a sensation that could become for them the principle of a liberating crisis.
Julius Evola


From the article: “To be fair, there is a point where most of us will agree that conservative attitudes can go too far “right.”  Wheatcroft identified this potential when he said, “The great twin political problems of the age are the brutality of the right, and the dishonesty of the left.”  However, it is part of the dishonesty of the left that it exaggerates this potential for brutality.”

“It is critically important to understand this profound difference between genuine and pseudo-idealism, and it is critically important to understand that more and more people will flock to pseudo-idealistic causes simply because they cannot withstand the temptation of the relief that it brings them.”

Seeking any and all relief from their constant amygdala overload, and from the distress inherent in the Human Condition, we daily witness the leftists and the liberals and all the other broken toys adopting fakery, false solutions to problems they don’t understand, half-measures, self-preening upon their unearned moral high-ground, angry outbursts and emotional meltdown, refusal to confront basic truths, and every other possible ego-boosting denial-based behavior.

Traditionalism is the most revolutionary ideology of our times.
Julius Evola

British Youth are Sick of Dumbocracy, Globalism, and Traitorous Leadership

  • 66% of 25-34 year olds favour “strong leaders who do not have to bother with Parliament”
  • Among 25-34 year olds, 36% support army rule; 66% favour strongman leaders; and 26% believe democracy is a bad way to run the country.
  • 66% of people think that “globalisation has not benefited most people”
  • 59% think that “increases in immigration have had a negative impact on the economy overall,”
  • 71% of people think that “more people living in cities has made society worse”
  • 63% of respondents said they believe that “fewer people are getting married because of a decline in family commitment and values”, compared to 27% who said it was due to people having “more freedom and choice in a partner”.
“Modern architecture knows how to erect industrial shacks, but it does not succeed in building either a palace or a temple. This century will leave behind only the tire-tracks of the transports it employed in the service of our most sordid greed.”
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

UK Jewish groups are successfully pushing to destroy a park in London immediately adjacent to the Parliament building, to be replaced by a gigantic concrete monstrosity jutting above ground and digging below. It can only be assumed one beautiful green haven will be lost to more enormous unwanted post-modern Jewish art installations for every genocide of recent history, including the Holodomor man-made starvation under Jewish communism, and the millions of Germans who went missing from Allied concentration camps post-WW2. Of course, no such monuments would be erected anywhere in an era with such evidently immense Jewish power flexing its muscle over non-Jews. Regardless, more monuments to victims would not be wanted, unless they were monumental parks.

Such an obvious grotesquery can be intended to do nothing but impose its visual oppression and flaunt its power upon the young minds of day-tripping children and zombified adults.

In the age where Victimhood Status = Currency and Control, the winner is whoever can get the largest and ugliest and most oppressive monuments erected in their name.

The Western Man’s refusal to play in this game, this race to the bottom until the victimhood currency is wholly debased, is why the Western Rebirth is inevitable. Only the wholehearted pursuit of Excellence, Strength, Truth and Beauty has the power to overcome the forces of the dark era. Everyone else is digging into the muck as deeply as possible.

“The Left and the third world will face the same disappointment. In the classic human self-destructive paradigm, they will rise to total power on the wings of equality, only to find that they killed off that which made them want power in the first place.

Then we will have another shattered civilization, never to rise again, and more impoverished people moaning about “what could have been” while they ignore their own culpability in destroying what, despite its imposing appearance, gave us all a better way of life.”


Race-Conscious Babies

Babies develop and demonstrate ethnocentrism within their first year of life, with “the race of a face influencing an infant’s ability to match emotional sounds with emotional facial expressions”.

Source: Developmental Science Vol 15 Issue 13, ‘Building biases in infancy: the influence of race on face and voice emotion matching’, 2012,

Higher Diversity = Lower Social Capital

A 2007 study of citizens across 41 different American communities, that ranged from the extreme homogeneity of rural South Dakota to the very mixed populations of Los Angeles, found diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health. It was revealed that “virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.”

“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’ – that is, to pull in like a turtle.”

The study found: “the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings.”

In addition: Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media. Lower confidence in their own political influence. More interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups. Fewer close friends and confidants. Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life. More time spent watching television and more agreement that “television is my most important form of entertainment.”

Source: The Boston Globe, ‘The Downside of Diversity’,





by William Blake

I wander thro’ each charter’d street,
Near where the charter’d Thames does flow. 
And mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear 

How the Chimney-sweepers cry
Every blackning Church appalls, 
And the hapless Soldiers sigh
Runs in blood down Palace walls 

But most thro’ midnight streets I hear
How the youthful Harlots curse
Blasts the new-born Infants tear 
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse


by William Blake

O Rose thou art sick. 
The invisible worm, 
That flies in the night 
In the howling storm: 

Has found out thy bed 
Of crimson joy: 
And his dark secret love 
Does thy life destroy.


by William Blake

To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love 
All pray in their distress; 
And to these virtues of delight 
Return their thankfulness.

For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love 
Is God, our father dear, 
And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love 
Is Man, his child and care.

For Mercy has a human heart, 
Pity a human face, 
And Love, the human form divine, 
And Peace, the human dress.

Then every man, of every clime, 
That prays in his distress, 
Prays to the human form divine, 
Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace.

And all must love the human form, 
In heathen, Turk, or Jew; 
Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell 
There God is dwelling too. 


by William Blake

Cruelty has a Human Heart 
And Jealousy a Human Face 
Terror the Human Form Divine 
And Secrecy, the Human Dress 

The Human Dress, is forged Iron 
The Human Form, a fiery Forge. 
The Human Face, a Furnace seal’d 
The Human Heart, its hungry Gorge.


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