Alcohol lowers testosterone in men, raises it in women // 1 in 10 UK men, 1 in 20 UK women, “alcohol dependent”

Men, Women, Alcohol, Testosterone

Getting drunk aka “acute alcohol ingestion” … “decreases blood testosterone levels in normal healthy men”.[1]

When “healthy pre-menopausal women” were given a “low dose of alcohol”, acute increase in blood testosterone levels were measured.[1] The alcohol effect on testosterone is more prominent among women using Oral Contraceptives.[2]

“Chronic male alcoholics” are known to experience “testicular atrophy, gynaecomastia [male boobs], impotence and sterility”. Alcohol has a “direct toxic effect on the testes” and thus impairs testosterone production, and alcohol “enhances testosterone catabolism [breakdown]”. In addition to the negative impact on testosterone levels, “chronic alcoholic men are also exposed to the excessive oestrogen effect that results from the accumulation of oestrogenic hormones”.[3]

Source 1: Nature Vol 369, ‘Sex hormone response to alcohol’, 1994,

Source 2: Alcohol Alcohol Vol 35, ‘Acute effect of alcohol on androgens in premenopausal women’, 2000,

Source 3: Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 18, Issue 4, ‘The Effect of Alcohol on Male and Female Sexual Function’, 1983,