One Machete Crime is committed every 90 Minutes on Britain’s streets

“Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests show that in the last two months of 2017 police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes. This is an average of 15 a day – or one every 90 minutes.”

Critics say they have little legitimate use in the UK, but they are not on a list of banned blades such as butterfly or flick-knives.

Gangsters are increasingly carrying the fearsome blades as status symbols and to spread fear with gruesome attacks.

Machetes came to public prominence in May 2013 when British soldier Lee Rigby was butchered in broad daylight by two Islamist fanatics.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in the year to September 2017 the police recorded 37,443 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument – a 21 per cent increase on the previous year, and the highest since records began seven years ago.

Obesity Lowers Testosterone Levels // Waist circumference is the strongest single predictor of developing Low-T

This Harvard paper from 2011 tells us:

Obesity lowers testosterone levels. For example, a 2007 study of 1,667 men ages 40 and above found that each one-point increase in BMI was associated with a 2% decrease in testosterone. In addition, a 2008 study of 1,862 men ages 30 and above found that waist circumference was an even stronger predictor of low testosterone levels than BMI. A four-inch increase in waist size increased a man’s odds of having a low testosterone level by 75%; for comparison, 10 years of aging increased the odds by only 36%. All in all, waist circumference was the strongest single predictor of developing symptoms of testosterone deficiency.”

Source: Obesity: Unhealthy and Unmanly

And don’t forget.. body fat converts testosterone into estrogen..

Body fat contains aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogens, the main sex hormones in women. Having extra estrogens floating around your system triggers your body to slow its production of testosterone. And the less testosterone you make, the more belly fat you accumulate and the more estrogens you spew.”

Source: Men’s Health: 3 Steps to More Testosterone


An obscenely gross one

Humans have created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics since the 1950s, with 5 billion tons now in landfills or the natural environment

Researchers from the University of Georgia, the University of California, Santa Barbara and Sea Education Association found that by 2015, humans had generated 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics, 6.3 billion tons of which had already become waste. Of that waste total, only 9 percent was recycled, 12 percent was incinerated and 79 percent accumulated in landfills or the natural environment.

If current trends continue, roughly 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste will be in landfills or the natural environment by 2050.


ROOTS MATTER: Even Babies and Plants are Ethno-Centric :: In-Group Favoritism is Normal and Natural

Race-Conscious Babies

Babies develop and demonstrate ethnocentrism within their first year of life, with “the race of a face influencing an infants’ ability to match emotional sounds with emotional facial expressions”.

Source: Developmental Science Vol 15 Issue 13, ‘Building biases in infancy: the influence of race on face and voice emotion matching’, 2012,

Plants Compete With Strangers More Than Kin

The idea of kin recognition and perception of kin-specific chemical signals have long been recognized in microbial and animal models. By contrast, general chemical communication between plants has been well established, especially with regard to the negative communication between plants of two different species.

Recent studies have shown that plants have the ability to recognize other plants in their surroundings based on relatedness and identity.

Plants produced more roots when grown in pots with strangers (plants of the same species, but grown from seeds collected from different mother plants) versus being grown with kin plants (plants grown from seeds collected from the same mother plant).

Source: Journal of Experimental Botany Vol 61 Issue 51, ‘Kin recognition in plants: a mysterious behaviour unsolved’, 2010,

Tree with Roots - Even Trees and babies are ethnocentric

Dumb Misery: TV Accelerates Cognitive Decline in Older Adults // The Happiest People Watch TV the Least

A successful life will not be found on television. The controlled corporate mainstream media has neither the truth nor your best interest at heart. It has no heart. It is the ruthless nation-wrecking lie machine.

88% of a Woman’s Eggs are Gone by Age 30


88% of a woman’s eggs are gone by age 30.

Source: ‘Human Ovarian Reserve from Conception to the Menopause’, 2010,

The most valuable resource in the entire universethe eggs that create humans — is being exchanged for nothing of value: dirty pennies from corporations, drunken nights and wasted days, gruesome abortions and rampant sluttery, and the infertile panicky downward slide toward lonely wrinkled death. This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.


— “[When a woman is] 21, 90 percent of [her] eggs are chromosomally normal, which helps your chances of conceiving a healthy baby,” Dr. Copperman says. You also have age on your side — the average woman’s fertility peaks at the age of 24.”

— “chances of miscarriage by age 30 have risen to 20 percent”


All the haggard ghosts of feminism are cackling heartily around the cauldron of boiling good intentions in hell.
Rollo Tomassi
Women need to understand that the feminist Social Engineers have been lying to them for decades. They’ve been telling them that freedom is: working 9-5 for ‘The Man’, engaging in casual sex, and earning money instead of pursuing lasting stable relationships and motherhood – and the lies they’ve been told have a truly sinister aim.
David Cullen

The Slut’s Despair: Women who have had more non-marital sexual partners are less likely to have stable marriages, are unhappier, more likely depressed, have fewer children


In Europe and the USA, women initiate between 65 and 75% of divorces.

Source: ‘Women are more likely to initiate divorce’, 2015,


88% of a woman’s eggs are gone by age 30.

Source: ‘Human Ovarian Reserve from Conception to the Menopause’, 2010,

British People Will Be a Minority in Britain Within Decades :: Is the trend reversible?

The heroic story of the British people who became soft-brained cowards and then got replaced…

…what was it all for?

Britain conquered!

Supporting the replacement of a population is known as Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing.

The corrupted and controlled British political and media class is in total agreement on the transformation that must take place in Britain. All dissent is censored and criminalised. The Native British people must not only accept becoming an outvoted minority group in their homeland, but they must pretend to love it.


According to the 2011 census, White British are a minority in London, making up just 44.9% of the nation’s capital.

Source: ‘Why have the white British left London?’, 2013,


In England and Wales in 2017, only 59.5% of babies born were White British. This percent is declining every year. White British Babies are on course to become an ever-shrinking minority of new babies born in England and Wales around the year 2026.

Source: Office for National Statistics, ‘Birth characteristics in England and Wales: 2017’,

The endless push to outnumber the Native British is agreed upon by politicians and the media mouthpieces on both the left and the controlled right; liberals, so-called conservatives, leftists, all are in agreement. They allegedly disagree on many things, but they all agree on replacing the British people through massive immigration and birthrates.

Anybody who speaks publicly against the replacist project finds their life destroyed by the powerful forces pushing for Britain’s permanent and irreversible transformation into an international shopping mall slum – gone is the Britain of the British: for all the glorious deeds in their heroic story, they allowed themselves to be outnumbered and replaced by other people.. within one human lifespan.

Not one political party in Britain dares to mention the native British right to exist and the demographic threat they are under at the present time – all such parties in the past have been destroyed and criminalised by the combined efforts of the entire political and media establishment. When was the last time the British people heard anybody talk about policies to boost native birthrates? All they ever hear is the importance of importing foreign populations for financial reasons.

Every real nation is a people of a common blood and descended from the same ancestors. A nation—from the Latin word meaning to be born—can have no other meaning.
Sam Francis
Sam Francis

Native British Least Likely to Attend University

“All ethnic minority groups in England are now, on average, more likely to go to university than their White British peers.”[1]

“Groups with the next lowest progression rates – disadvantaged black Caribbean males and males from a mixed ethnic background – are around twice as likely to progress to higher education.”[2]

This is despite the fact, “for example, pupils of Black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic origin tend to perform worse, on average, in national tests and exams taken at school than their White British counterparts.”[1]

Source 1: Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Ethnic minorities substantially more likely to go to university than their White British peers’, 2015,

Source 2: UK Government, Department for Education, ‘Education Secretary launches £24 million programme for North East’, 2018,


In the year between June 2017 and June 2018, 1 person moved to Britain every 50 seconds, totalling 625,000 for the year. 351,000 people moved out of Britain during this time.

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: November 2018,

Goodbye Jesus, Hello Muhammad

Between 2004 and 2008, the UK Muslim population “multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society”, with an average annual growth rate of 6.68%.

In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million. “The biggest Christian population is the over-70s bracket, for Muslims it is the under-4s”.

Source: The Times, ‘Muslim population ‘rising 10 times faster than rest of society”, 2009,


In 1951, the UK Muslim population was 21,000. This was 0.042% of the total population. [1]

In the 65 years between 1951 and 2016, the UK Muslim population doubled every decade on average, to 6.1% of the UK population (4.1 million). This number is predicted to more than triple in coming three decades.

By 2050, under a “medium migration scenario”, 16.7% of the UK population will be Muslim, a total of 13 Million (1 in 6 citizens). [2]

Source 1: Ethnic and Racial Studies (Vol 4 Issue 29), ‘Muslims in the 2001 Census of England and Wales: Gender and Economic Disadvantage’,

Source 2: Pew Research Center, ‘Europe’s Growing Muslim Population’, 2017,

A nation is not an aggregate of anonymous individuals, standardized and interchangeable with any other people of any other nation. A nation has an ethnic and cultural identity, which is its property and which it has the right (and even the duty) to protect and maintain.
Abbé Grégoire Celier
Abbé Grégoire Celier

On their once-protected little green island home, the Native British represent just 0.5% of this world. British people are outnumbered 200-to-1 and only exist due to strong border control. The borders were flung open in the 1960s, and by the 2060s Britons will be outnumbered in Britain.

Why have the British people accepted conditions that will see them outnumbered and then replaced in their only homeland within a generation? This will be a question for the historians of the future, when they are trying to figure out how such an accomplished group of people can just up and vanish from history. The Post-War generation decided to extinguish their own great-grandchildren from the story of man without any resistance, without one ounce of daring, and with total and utter cowardice. The egocentric post-war generation purchased a cheap and mindless worldview based on nothing but illusions, and they were too distracted by television and sugar to notice. They discarded all the traditions of the past and replaced them with consumption. And for that, their own great-grandchildren will be consumed by the forces they unleashed, or they will never exist in the first place.

National Suicide is the easiest thing in the world to accomplish, and it will be the British people’s final act.

A few decades of progressive education and anti-discrimination laws suffice to render an entire continent paralyzed and ripe for invasion.
Wagner Clemente Soto
Wagner Clemente Soto

Whites Feeling Powerless in Britain

The UK Government 2007-08 Citizenship Survey of England and Wales found only 19% of White people “feel that they can influence decisions affecting Britain”, compared with 41% of Black African, 36% of Bangladeshi and 35% of Indian people in England and Wales.

With regard to decisions affecting the local area, 53% of Black African, 50% of Bangladeshi and 48% of Indian people felt influential, compared with 37% of White people.

Source: Department for Communities and Local Government, Citizenship Survey: 2007-08 England & Wales,

Understand [you’re] part of a tradition, a tradition of non-surrender, a tradition of ultimate resource, a tradition that never says die, a tradition that is the epitome of military life, but in another area theoretically and politically and actuarily. One can never take one’s identity from one. One exists for a purpose. Liberals believe life has no purpose, but life has a purpose, and life’s purpose is to go forward and to confront that which is before you. And what is before us is cultural dispossession, unless we’re prepared to do something about it. What we can do about it will depend upon the circumstances, but what we can do is to remain loyal to our own sense of identity, to our own sense of becoming, to our own sense of what we may be in the future. Most people are truly afraid. They’re afraid to open their own mouths in relation to any of these issues. We must not fear.
Jonathan Bowden
Jonathan Bowden

…ethnic cleansing can be understood as the expulsion of an “undesirable” population from a given territory due to religious or ethnic discrimination, political, strategic or ideological considerations, or a combination of these.

Foreign Affairs Magazine, A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing

Operation TIPS, 2002: US Planning to Recruit 1 in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies

As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, 2002:

The Bush Administration aims to recruit millions of United States citizens as domestic informants … The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report “suspicious activity”.

“Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.”

A pilot program .. is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage.”


Operation Mockingbird: Western Mass Media Controlled by One CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE

Dysgenics and the Degeneration of Modern Man

One of [the First World War’s] most certain results will be the partial destruction of the aristocratic classes everywhere in northern Europe … This will tend to realize the standardization of type so dear to democratic ideals. If equality cannot be obtained by lengthening and uplifting the stunted of body and of mind, it can be at least realized by the destruction of the exalted of stature and of soul.
Madison Grant
Madison Grant

The Left and the third world will face the same disappointment. In the classic human self-destructive paradigm, they will rise to total power on the wings of equality, only to find that they killed off that which made them want power in the first place.

Then we will have another shattered civilization, never to rise again, and more impoverished people moaning about “what could have been” while they ignore their own culpability in destroying what, despite its imposing appearance, gave us all a better way of life.
Brett Stevens

The Western Rebirth is not for everybody

European Man’s genetic health, mental balance, vigor, and “fundamental values”, have degraded over time and are dysgenic, degenerate, glorifying decay and death and decadence. The number of people presently in the West seared with the ugly scars of decay is too overwhelming for any Western Rebirth to include everybody. Mother Nature knows nothing about “Including Everybody”, as she knows nothing about “Equality”. The law of Nature is difference and inequality, better and worse, deserving and undeserving, according to their ability to achieve Mother Nature’s purpose, the logic of which is present in her laws. Mother Nature does not offer just as valuable a place for the aspects that bring down the upward direction of Life as she offers to those that drive Life upward in accordance with her laws. “The fittest survive” was no mere slogan. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” was a boldfaced lie.

The rebirth—if one is possible—will be a rebirth of the Confident and Natural Elite, reasserting their superior values and rejecting every characteristic of the Degenerate Dark Age that the world’s Ethnic Europeans have allowed themselves to sink into. Allegiance to the vision and cause of the future beautiful world possible through upward breeding is and always has been the only allegiance capable of raising humanity out of the Dark Era and into a new Golden Age. The Perfection of the Blood. The Fulfillment of the Promise Held in Ancient European Blood.

The Abrahamic Anthropocentric Worldview is rotting the Ethnic European both inside and out, all while it is claiming to save him. That humanity is the center of all life—a special pet project of the creator of the universe separate from the rest of his creation—and that all humans are equal to each other, are the cracked and sinking bedrock foundation stones upon which the collapsing West has been built.

Humanity is a part of Nature not apart from Nature, can never step outside of her laws, and not every part of humanity is equal to every other part. The West has gone wrong in some such very simple ways, but over so long a period as to make us forget our natural orientation.

The Modern West is caught in a swamp of rot, at the end of a very long journey, driven downwards by a mass of dead weight hellbent on destroying everything above average, everything intelligent, everything that glorifies Life and Strength and Purity and Excellence. The Western World is facing a crisis it has never had to face on so great a scale.

The Rebirth is exactly what its name implies: the seeking of healthy seeds, and only healthy seeds; the healthiest, the isolation and distillation of orienting truths, the clearing of the land to allow for the planting, the creation of ideal nursery conditions that will allow the seeds to grow free from all the forces of dysgenic decay and degeneracy, the securing of strong boundaries between this new forest and the ruthlessly destructive world beyond it, and the uncompromising protection of the upward direction of the rebirth stock. Rotted seeds and rotted roots have propagated and been cultivated for too long for the Western Project to be merely tweaked or managed in a slightly different manner. What has been cultivated until now is a rotting forest in rotten swamp land, fed on rotten food, with growth encouraged in all the wrong directions, and the death of the entire existing forest is now all but ensured. Rejecting the dictates of Mother Nature is the guaranteed doom of any strand of life. Any healthy aspects are dragged down into the mud and destroyed by a mass of rot, if rot is allowed to propagate.

The efforts of the smart and the strong and the productive in our Degenerate Dark Age are re-purposed by The State by force of arms to fund and promote the wholesale breeding of the idiotic and the weak and the undeserving. The State must be replaced by “a new machine” with an allegiance to the cause of fulfilling the destiny of the universe. This is true in every Western country, and in every country on this planet.

If you imagine a forest in which a dozen unhealthy trees are grafted onto the trunk of every healthy tree, you will have a clear picture of the current state of affairs. If the seeds of the healthy trees are limited, and the unhealthy seeds planted and watered in abundance, the overwhelming of the entire system by the forces of decay is guaranteed.

For another clear example, imagine a company with the practice of hiring employees according to the rule that every new employee must be dumber than the last. The rapid burying of all quality and excellence would be predictable, obvious, and unavoidable.

The civilisation of The West has become a system that funds and cultivates its own destruction while glorifying that destruction as its highest value.

To put it in one man’s words, “we need a new machine”. To say it in another’s, we must live in harmony with the unbreakable Laws of Nature; mankind has been made strong through eternal struggle. And another’s, it is such a long road we’ve been walking on… in the wrong direction.

MSNBC Mika Brzezinski – Corporate Media “control exactly what people think” … “that is our job”

SAT Scores by Race

Half of US Student Youth Agree Violent Acts Are Acceptable to Improve Society

UK: Native British Least Likely to Attend University of All Ethnic Groups :: Whites Least Likely to Feel Able to Influence Decisions Affecting Britain

Native British Least Likely to Attend University

“All ethnic minority groups in England are now, on average, more likely to go to university than their White British peers.”[1]

“Groups with the next lowest progression rates – disadvantaged black Caribbean males and males from a mixed ethnic background – are around twice as likely to progress to higher education.”[2]

This is despite the fact, “for example, pupils of Black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic origin tend to perform worse, on average, in national tests and exams taken at school than their White British counterparts.”[1]

Source 1: Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Ethnic minorities substantially more likely to go to university than their White British peers’, 2015,

Source 2: UK Government, Department for Education, ‘Education Secretary launches £24 million programme for North East’, 2018,

Whites Feeling Powerless in Britain

The UK Government 2007-08 Citizenship Survey of England and Wales found only 19% of White people “feel that they can influence decisions affecting Britain”, compared with 41% of Black African, 36% of Bangladeshi and 35% of Indian people in England and Wales.

With regard to decisions affecting the local area, 53% of Black African, 50% of Bangladeshi and 48% of Indian people felt influential, compared with 37% of White people.

Source: Department for Communities and Local Government, Citizenship Survey: 2007-08 England & Wales,

All Non-White groups in America want The State to have more power over The People, and Physically Enforce ‘Happy Talk’ :: Only Whites and Republicans support Limited Govt & Free Expression

Only White Americans are The Enemy of the State

Republicans, Independents and White Americans Support Free Speech. Democrats and Non-Whites Support Speech Police and Speech Crimes

Illegal Speech, and legally mandated Happy Talk, is a Democrat and a Non-White thing.

Only White Americans Support Free Speech

Democrats and Non-Whites say College Should Police and Ban Speech

2045: American Freedom Dies When White Americans Are Outnumbered

USA Non-White Majority - White Minority

Arab World Inbreeding: Percentages

Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. Reliable research suggests cousin marriage inbreeding rates in many Arab nations are over 50 percent.

Arab World Inbreeding

Statistical research on cousin marriage in Arabic countries shows rates up to:

34% of all marriages in Algiers
46% in Bahrain
33% in Egypt
80% in Nubia (southern area in Egypt)
60% in Iraq
64% in Jordan
64% in Kuwait
42% in Lebanon
48% in Libya
47% in Mauritania
54% in Qatar
67% in Saudi Arabia
63% in Sudan
40% in Syria
39% in Tunisia
54% in the United Arabic Emirates
45% in Yemen

Source: Reproductive Health Journal, Issue 6, ‘Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs’, 2009,

“Saudi Arabia is a living genetics laboratory,” Dr. Stephen R. Schroeder, executive director of the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research, told the Times. “Here you can study 10 families to study genetic disorders, where you would need 10,000 families to study genetic disorders in the United States.”

World Population in 2100: Africa Unstoppable

UN Africa Projections

The UN Population Projection for Africa predicts a quadruple increase by 2100, reaching 4.1 billion.

“By 2100 the United Nations forecasts there will be 4.185 billion people on the continent.” “The United Nations predicts Africa’s population could be as low as 2.826 billion by 2100, or as high as 6.007 billion.”

“If African fertility rates – based on data from 2005 to 2010 – remain constant, Africa’s population could grow to a staggering 17.221 billion.”


Fit, Strong, Healthy, Clean, Attractive, Happy People More Likely Right Wing, says Science

Languages of Europe // Indo-European Branches of the Language Tree // Language Maps of Europe

Global Language Tree

2MB Full Size

European Language Maps

2MB Full Size

How will Europeans be treated when they are a minority in Europe?

People of European Descent are already a minority in the world, at only 11% of the population. How will they be treated when they are a minority group in their own homeland?

Population Replacement

Global Demographics Africa Rising 2100

Soon⁠—within about 100 years—Europeans will be a minority in every White country, due to mass immigration, high immigrant birthrates, and Native birthrate suppression.

How will Europeans be treated when they are a minority in Europe?

The difference between Nation and Country

Every real nation is a people of a common blood and descended from the same ancestors. A nation—from the Latin word meaning to be born—can have no other meaning.
Sam Francis
Sam Francis

A nation is not an aggregate of anonymous individuals, standardized and interchangeable with any other people of any other nation. A nation has an ethnic and cultural identity, which is its property and which it has the right (and even the duty) to protect and maintain.
Abbé Grégoire Celier
Abbé Grégoire Celier

Divide and Conquer - Ethnos