UK: Native British Least Likely to Attend University of All Ethnic Groups :: Whites Least Likely to Feel Able to Influence Decisions Affecting Britain

Native British Least Likely to Attend University

“All ethnic minority groups in England are now, on average, more likely to go to university than their White British peers.”[1]

“Groups with the next lowest progression rates – disadvantaged black Caribbean males and males from a mixed ethnic background – are around twice as likely to progress to higher education.”[2]

This is despite the fact, “for example, pupils of Black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic origin tend to perform worse, on average, in national tests and exams taken at school than their White British counterparts.”[1]

Source 1: Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Ethnic minorities substantially more likely to go to university than their White British peers’, 2015,

Source 2: UK Government, Department for Education, ‘Education Secretary launches £24 million programme for North East’, 2018,

Whites Feeling Powerless in Britain

The UK Government 2007-08 Citizenship Survey of England and Wales found only 19% of White people “feel that they can influence decisions affecting Britain”, compared with 41% of Black African, 36% of Bangladeshi and 35% of Indian people in England and Wales.

With regard to decisions affecting the local area, 53% of Black African, 50% of Bangladeshi and 48% of Indian people felt influential, compared with 37% of White people.

Source: Department for Communities and Local Government, Citizenship Survey: 2007-08 England & Wales,