88% of a Woman’s Eggs are Gone by Age 30


88% of a woman’s eggs are gone by age 30.

Source: ‘Human Ovarian Reserve from Conception to the Menopause’, 2010,

The most valuable resource in the entire universethe eggs that create humans — is being exchanged for nothing of value: dirty pennies from corporations, drunken nights and wasted days, gruesome abortions and rampant sluttery, and the infertile panicky downward slide toward lonely wrinkled death. This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.


— “[When a woman is] 21, 90 percent of [her] eggs are chromosomally normal, which helps your chances of conceiving a healthy baby,” Dr. Copperman says. You also have age on your side — the average woman’s fertility peaks at the age of 24.”

— “chances of miscarriage by age 30 have risen to 20 percent”

Source: https://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/trying-to-conceive/up-your-chances-of-getting-pregnant-at-every-age

All the haggard ghosts of feminism are cackling heartily around the cauldron of boiling good intentions in hell.
Rollo Tomassi
Women need to understand that the feminist Social Engineers have been lying to them for decades. They’ve been telling them that freedom is: working 9-5 for ‘The Man’, engaging in casual sex, and earning money instead of pursuing lasting stable relationships and motherhood – and the lies they’ve been told have a truly sinister aim.
David Cullen

The Slut’s Despair: Women who have had more non-marital sexual partners are less likely to have stable marriages, are unhappier, more likely depressed, have fewer children


In Europe and the USA, women initiate between 65 and 75% of divorces.

Source: ‘Women are more likely to initiate divorce’, 2015,


88% of a woman’s eggs are gone by age 30.

Source: ‘Human Ovarian Reserve from Conception to the Menopause’, 2010,

Awakening from the Anti-White Anti-Male Enslavement Machine

A few decades of progressive education and anti-discrimination laws suffice to render an entire continent paralyzed and ripe for invasion.
Wagner Clemente Soto
Wagner Clemente Soto

Understand [you’re] part of a tradition, a tradition of non-surrender, a tradition of ultimate resource, a tradition that never says die, a tradition that is the epitome of military life, but in another area theoretically and politically and actuarily. One can never take one’s identity from one. One exists for a purpose. Liberals believe life has no purpose, but life has a purpose, and life’s purpose is to go forward and to confront that which is before you. And what is before us is cultural dispossession, unless we’re prepared to do something about it. What we can do about it will depend upon the circumstances, but what we can do is to remain loyal to our own sense of identity, to our own sense of becoming, to our own sense of what we may be in the future. Most people are truly afraid. They’re afraid to open their own mouths in relation to any of these issues. We must not fear.
Jonathan Bowden
Jonathan Bowden