Lady Chemicals, Plastics, Pesticides, Cosmetics: Disrupting Hormones and Turning Man & Animal into Sick Infertile Mutants

Humans have created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics since the 1950s, with 5 billion tons now in landfills or the natural environment

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The Testosterone Epidemic: How Endocrine Disruptors are Crushing Men

A fifth of male fish in UK rivers now ‘trans-gender’ due to chemicals in human waste

“More than 200 chemicals from sewage plants have been identified with oestrogen-like effects”, including “ingredients in the contraceptive pill, and by-products of cleaning agents, plastics, and cosmetics”.

“20 per cent of male fresh-water fish” in English rivers, “tested at 50 sites, had feminine characteristics. Some male fish have reduced sperm quality and display less aggressive and competitive behaviour … which makes them less likely to breed successfully.”

Source: University of Exeter, ‘A fifth of male fish in UK rivers now ‘trans-gender’ due to chemicals in human waste’, 2017,

Common Chemical Linked to Idiopathic Male Infertility

The term “idiopathic” means “no known cause.” In this 2013 study done by Nanjing Medical University, China, 877 men diagnosed with idopathic infertility had blood levels tested for chemicals known as phenols. The chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen and has been linked with infertility in previous studies.

Of all phenols tested, the scientists found one type, called “alkylphenols,” higher in men with abnormal semen parameters.

For men interested in reducing exposure to alkyphenols, they are used extensively in laundry detergents, as additives for fuels and lubricants and plastics. They are used as building block chemicals that are also used in making fragrances, thermoplastic elastomers, oil field chemicals and fire retardant materials. Through the downstream use in making alkylphenolic resins, alkylphenols are also found in tires, adhesives, coatings, carbonless copy paper and high performance rubber products.

Source: Journal of Hazardous Materials (Vol. 15), Association of exposure to phenols and idiopathic male infertility, 2013,