The WesternMan Sunday Harvest

In the end, progress simply comes down to robbing Man of that which ennobles him in order to sell to him cheaply that which demeans him.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

“Society transitioned from an order in which individuals fit, to an order which expands to fit all individuals, regardless of quality. This settles on a lowest common denominator consensus, and always expands to be more permissive, less orderly, and more base.

At the root of this was the desire of lower echelon people to believe that they could be higher echelon, which required them to discard the standards of excellence and organic proof of ability which selected the higher echelon.

This Week’s Pivot Point: Bastille Day


My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal.
Julius Evola

As anyone who has thought about it realises, Hierarchy is a feature of Nature, of the real world, inequality is the essence of evolution, and Equality is a Reality Denial fantasy invented by the below average. The consequence: any social order founded upon ideas of “equality” and Reality Denial is destined to collapse, because Mother Nature is not patient for long, and she never makes a permanent compromise.

Equality .. is a weapon of the class-conscious proletariat lusting for power.
William Gayley Simpson


Ethnic Cleansing News of the Week

Liberal activist “journalists” talk openly and freely about their project to permanently displace White Americans and turn them into a hated minority group. Their obvious-to-everyone strategy of swamping White Americans with massive POC immigration, while flooding the airwaves and newsprint relentlessly with anti-White poison propaganda, is not only going to cause the separatist break-up of the United States… but now they are calling their ethnic cleansing strategy by its real name and ultimate consequence: “race war”.

Do you hear it echoing after you, day after day? The relentless howling bombardment from the hystericals, always with the same message, “Western Man, you’re not wanted anymore. The West is done. Nothing belongs to you anymore. Your countries are wanted by others now. Give it all away and vanish into history immediately. Enough of this “fighting for your inheritance so you may bequeath it”. You stole it all! Just give it up. You invented nothing. The Media and Hollywood scum have told you what to do, so why are you resisting? How dare you.” These people do not understand the forces they are meddling with.

These people do not know what the Western Man is capable of. You could put a mountain atop him, and soon he would top the mountain.

Almost every Western Country’s government is working hard on turning its native majority inhabitants into a resented minority. Government policy should be set to benefit those already in the country, yet economic growth and ethnic cleansing is sought instead, for the interests of a well-known small group of hostile elites.
RamzPaul on “I don’t care”, and why Civic Nationalist Cuckservatives are faux-caring their way into getting replaced by South American communistic masses intent on replacing them. The Cuckservative of today is a liberal of 10 years ago – it is no wonder they conserve nothing.
This cannot be ignored
We will continue to monitor the Western Population Replacement program (or as Kevin Drum calls it, the progressive’s “Race War”)


KAYFABE: Rejecting the ‘Deep State’ Media Political Theater Show

Trump continues to smash up the old political deception games, and continues to annihilate the credibility of the lying press. The press has been the greatest weapon wielded against The People across the Western World, and anybody who ruins its credibility has done a great service to their civilization.

The mesmerizing press and political theater show we have all been hypnotised with is increasingly exposed day after day. People are awakening to the agenda of the triumvirate of Controlled Corporate Media–Controlled Government–International Banks. More people every day are realising the system that rules us from the shadows is totalitarian and we live with only the illusion of democracy. Shaking awake the zombies has never been so important. We are now in a race against time.

How old were you when you realised the wrestling was fake?

Flashback: The speech that got Trump elected

Today is the day to review the WesternMan lens on the Anti-Nationalist World Government. It fits perfectly with what Trump is talking about here, and it must be known.

This data is 1 year old. It will now be higher numbers across the board. Although, never underestimate a Lefty’s ability to deny all reality despite all the evidence, and dig down ever further into the quicksand of insanity.

Everything must be hidden, so everybody can live in fantasy land.
Why might Germans be so publicly supportive of speech controls?

A poll this week reveals: they are forced to say it


As another week goes by, will enough people wake up to the controlling illusions that have taken over our civilization? Men everywhere are required to lead their communities to survival and success. The Western world has been marked for dissolution. Only the Western Men can lead the way.

Our people now are more alienated and confused than ever before. All conversation and information exchange takes place via powerful techno companies that censor speech and delete thousands upon thousands of dissident voices daily. The people of our nations have nowhere to go to discuss ideas and thoughts which the governments and oligarchs disagree with.

It is time to rebuild our communities.

Now is the time to start clubs and groups. Sports clubs, fitness clubs, book clubs, Church groups, hiking societies, chess competitions, frisbee competitions, tree climbing lessons, axe throwing societies, bicycle clubs, public speaking practice evenings, dance groups, singing groups, write-and-perform-stage-plays groups, debate clubs, writing meetups, poetry recitals, survival skills share, self-defence classes, bowling leagues – whatever it is, you must do it. You must do it. It is our great work. We must spark and drive the creation of groups for women, we must generate opportunities for young people, we must create all forms of non-degenerate offline social networks.

Sooner than you expect, we will have enriched the lives of our people a hundredfold, a thousandfold, and rebuilt our lost communities. The offline world we will build – the real world – will so drastically alter the fabric of life for all our people, they will feel like the storm around them has finally stopped. People will laugh and smile for genuine reasons, and say they do not even remember how life used to be before it became good again. They will not even remember how bad things were in the time before we embarked upon our great collective project. We must rebuild our communities or all else is lost. Millions of people for whom we will do this work will one day think of this period as a strange feeling of waking from a very deep sleep. They will not know what happened. They will not know where they have been all this time. They will awaken from the control of a hostile cult, and throw off their Stockholm Syndrome and become happy again. The Screens have stolen our children, and we are going to steal them back. The Screens have stolen our Daughters and Sisters and Wives and Future-Wives, and filled their heads with utter nonsense and lies. The Screens have wiped the natural instincts of our sons and installed defective programming. We are going to make life healthy again.

We will give people back their rightful sense of identity grounded in reality, not the pathetic identities artificially imposed upon them by Media scumbags, depraved Hollywood scriptwriters, subversive internet algorithms, PR firms, corporate marketing agencies, establishment political parties, government public perception departments…

Liberating Western Civilization from our Shadowed Hostile Techno Elite is not optional. The course we are currently on is driving us fast toward a “Rise or Ruin!” moment which will not go well for many millions of people. Communities across the Western World have been degraded and disintegrated intentionally, happy community members turned into depressed alienated individuals, to force people to turn to Government as their only social institution. They seek to make us feel powerless despite our true power. They want us feeling powerless and alone in the face of what appear to be seemingly invincible and inevitable forces that aim to sell our entire heritage and future for mere pennies. If nothing is done to rebuild our communities, the homes for us our ancestors built will be turned into a concrete, rootless, international strip mall filled with shadows of slowly shuffling people who wish they were dead. When we forget our shared history, and are alone in the present, and do not believe in our shared destiny… that is a people from whom all will be taken.

By the design of our ruling Social Engineers, the Western Man is marked for extinction.

The future which the Social Engineers wish to create has only one kind of man in it: The Disintegrated Alienated Slave Man, covered in corporate brands, spewing nothing but government slogans.

They are going to lose. Big time. We are going to bring hope and happiness back into people’s lives. We are going to reawaken history and destiny. We are going to start by rebuilding our communities, and nobody can stop us.

John William Waterhouse



Vitamin C and Fat Loss

Individuals with low Vitamin C levels burned “25% less fat per kg body weight … as compared to individuals with adequate vitamin C status.”

Vitamin C is a cofactor in the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule required to shuttle fat to the mitochondria to be burned for energy.

“A reduction in the ability to oxidize fat may contribute to the reported inverse relationship between vitamin C status and adiposity.”

Source: Nutrition & Metabolism 2006 3:35, ‘Marginal vitamin C status is associated with reduced fat oxidation during submaximal exercise in young adults’, 2006,

Big Man Brains

Male brains are much bigger than female brains. 92% of men will be above the mean for women. On average men have 117.8 cm3 more brain than women.

Source: Cerebral Cortex (Volume 28 Issue 8), ‘Sex Differences in the Adult Human Brain: Evidence from 5216 UK Biobank Participants’, 2018,

Preference for Realism Predicts Preference for Brexit

Using data on “a large nationally representative sample of the British population”, “preference for realistic art was measured using a four-item binary choice test. Controlling for a range of personal characteristics, we found that respondents who preferred all four realistic paintings were 15–20 percentage points more likely to support Leave than those who preferred zero or one realistic paintings.”

Source: British Journal of Sociology, ‘Preference for realistic art predicts support for Brexit’, 2018,



What the reactionary says never interests anybody. Neither at the time he says it, because it seems absurd, nor after a few years, because it seems obvious.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Individualism is the cradle of vulgarity.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila


Waiting for the Barbarians


 What are we waiting for, assembled in the forum?

      The barbarians are due here today.

Why isn’t anything going on in the senate?
Why are the senators sitting there without legislating?

      Because the barbarians are coming today.
      What’s the point of senators making laws now?
      Once the barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating.

Why did our emperor get up so early,
and why is he sitting enthroned at the city’s main gate,
in state, wearing the crown?

      Because the barbarians are coming today
      and the emperor’s waiting to receive their leader.
      He’s even got a scroll to give him,
      loaded with titles, with imposing names.

Why have our two consuls and praetors come out today
wearing their embroidered, their scarlet togas?
Why have they put on bracelets with so many amethysts,
rings sparkling with magnificent emeralds?
Why are they carrying elegant canes
beautifully worked in silver and gold?

      Because the barbarians are coming today
      and things like that dazzle the barbarians.

Why don’t our distinguished orators turn up as usual
to make their speeches, say what they have to say?

      Because the barbarians are coming today
      and they’re bored by rhetoric and public speaking.

Why this sudden bewilderment, this confusion?
(How serious people’s faces have become.)
Why are the streets and squares emptying so rapidly,
everyone going home lost in thought?

      Because night has fallen and the barbarians haven't come.
      And some of our men just in from the border say
      there are no barbarians any longer.

Now what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
Those people were a kind of solution.

The Writer’s Almanac Podcast

by Garrison Keeler

Listen to “The Writer’s Almanac” on Spreaker.

We will be back with more next Sunday, meanwhile…

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