Harvest 17: Infinite Falsehoods, Timeless Truth

So strong is tradition that later generations will dream of what they have never seen.
G. K. Chesterton



The rapid evolution of a society destroys its customs and imposes on the individual, in place of the silent education of traditions, the reins and the whip of laws.

Civilization is what old men manage to salvage from the onslaught of young idealists.

Humanity is in danger when it forgets the most solemn warning of history: that civilisation is a man with a whip amidst starving beasts.

Modern man has the ambition of replacing with objects he buys what other ages hoped to obtain from methodical cultivation of the sentiments.


“According to a report by Belinda Luscombe in Time, the less “moderate to vigorous physical activity” the boys had each day, the harder it was for them to develop good reading skills:

The more time kids … spent sitting and the less time they spent being physically active, the fewer gains they made in reading in the two following years. [It] also had a negative impact on their ability to do math. The results didn’t apply to girls.

And for that reason, other researchers say, girls are rewarded more than boys in the classroom.

“Girl behavior is the gold standard in schools,” says psychologist Michael Thompson. “Boys are treated like defective girls.”

Canadians are eyeing up a Brexit of their own, to free themselves from National Suicide Globalist Leftist rule:

When a country has been targeted for conversion into an international shopping mall with no culture or native ethnic identity, anybody speaking against any aspect of the program will be persecuted by the political police, whether a crime has been committed or not. This is to inspire fear in all those who might think of resisting also. “Anti-Hate” speech laws are set up across the West so the police can be used to crush any and all common sense dissent against the political project of mass migration and ethnic and cultural replacement. Consumerism and Cultural Detachment, Fearful Silence, and Divide and Conquer; the weapons of your enslavement.

There is an infinite number of falsehoods, and an unlimited number of potential interpretations of this world. There is the truth, and then there are infinite falsehoods. The West must rediscover what it means to tread the path of the truth. The truth can only be discovered and rediscovered if we investigate the almost-forgotten wisdom and traditions handed down to us from the trial and error process of the the past, and employ ourselves in vigorous free debate on any and all ‘heretical’ subjects.

The Cult of Equality mantra: Everybody is equal to everybody else. There is no such thing as Above Average. There is no such thing as Below Average. Everybody must be the same level of Average. Everybody is Average. Everybody is equally average. Everybody must be forced to be average. Everybody is equal to everybody else, because we will force them to be. We must destroy the Above Average.

CIA Control of Time Magazine

Imagine inheriting a country as great as Italy and feeling nothing but the overwhelmingly hateful urge to destroy it entirely and dissolve its people into the mass of non-Italians outside its borders. The hatred, toward those trying to conserve traditional European cultures, felt by the progressive globalist left is almost beyond comprehension to all those not motivated by hatred and gripped by evil intention.

I just want a happy healthy life for my family, I value who we are as a distinct people, I want to preserve our culture, history, heritage, and gene pool, and I want my grandchildren to inherit what was bequeathed to me – nothing sounds more hateful to the progressive globalist left than this feeling.

Salvini’s planned Great Comeback will be the next step in his plan to save Italy from the forces of decay, those trying to dissolve Italy as fast as possible. The rest of Europe awaits competent leadership.

Sink the boats.

Of yore, our firey fathers sped upon the Viking Path;
Of yore, their dreaded dragons braved the ocean in its wrath;
And we, their sons, are reaping now their glory’s aftermath;
The waves are rolling on.
The Up Helly-Aa Song



15 of the world’s biggest container ships emit as much pollution as all the world’s 760 million cars.

Source: The Guardian, ‘Health risks of shipping pollution have been underestimated’, 2009,

UK Violent Crime & Alcohol Degeneracy

“In 2015/16 in England, victims believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol in 39% of all violent incidents, down from a peak of 55% in 2009/10. In Wales, the figure is higher, at 49% in 2015/16, down from a peak of 73% in 2006/07.”

Source: Office for National Statistics, ‘Estimates of Violent incidents where the victim believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs in England and Wales, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2016 Crime Survey for England and Wales’,



The Means to attain happy Life

by Henry Howard
Earl of Surrey (1517–47)

MARTIAL, the things that do attain
The happy life, be these, I find:
The riches left, not got with pain;
The fruitful ground, the quiet mind:

The equal friend, no grudge, no strife;
No charge of rule, nor governance;
Without disease, the healthful life;
The household of continuance:

The mean diet, no delicate fare;
True wisdom join’d with simpleness;
The night discharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress:

The faithful wife, without debate;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night.
Contented with thine own estate;
Ne wish for Death, ne fear his might.

..back with more shortly, meanwhile…

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